Hihya Convoys’ Clinics

In collaboration with As-Salam International Hospital, the Foundation launches medical convoys to Ash Sharqia since 2018.

The Children's Cancer Hospital Foundation (57357) - Egypt

31 Bed head units and 40 Electrical beds were provided to the Children's Cancer Hospital Foundation(57357) in Egypt to support in extending its capacity and maintain the same promised services’ quality.

Decent Housing

Mental wellbeing is a function of safety and a healthy environment. Since 2019, the Foundation has supported almost 100 families with decent living conditions

Abu El Reesh Children’s Hospital Al Munira - Cairo University

Between 2019 and 2020, the Khater Foundation provided financial support to Abu El Reesh Children’s Hospital for the renovation of several units.

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Vision & Mission

The Khater Foundation was established with the goal of serving marginalized communities by contributing to the health and well-being of individuals across Egypt. And implements its vision, mission, and goals in full alignment with Egypt’s national vision 2030 strategy, as well as the global vision of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

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How It All Began

Our story begins with late Dr. Salah Khater, founder of Alameda Healthcare group, and his children following in his footsteps to create the Khater Foundation and deliver a sustainable impact.

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Success Partners